They say that if you want to achieve something, you need to set a goal. I want to write a novel so very badly that I can't possibly even start or try to do it. I need a goal. And I need to announce it to the world. Public humiliation is a great motivator.
Is their a psychiatric term for "fear of writing a bad novel when I really just absolutely have to write a good one"?
Term for it or not, that's what I've got. I haven't worked on my novel in so long I've forgotten what it's about. So, I've started this blog to publicly proclaim the various goals it takes to write a novel. The babysteps along the way.
Do you have a novel in you that's screaming NOT to get out? Join me. Say what you're going to do here, and then, JUST DO IT. You make me do it and I'll make you do it.
Goal adjustment is allowed. Failure is allowed. Public humiliation is allowed (not really -- just what you impose on yourself). But not trying is not allowed.
I've got to give my goals some thought. I think I'm going to give myself a month or so to get my head together on this novel. I won't be outlining, because that is death to my work. I won't be thinking of the ending, because I want to write to find out what happens next. But, dear writer buddy, I do need a concept and an idea of who's in the cast of characters and what is their Deep Yearning. I don't want to kill that many trees trying to find out who's the main character and what does he/she want.
Then, after a month or so of brainstorming, I'm going to start out small. About three pages a day doesn't sound too daunting, does it? That's about the size of my grocery list.
I also need to figure out exactly how this blog goal thing is going to work. I've got a companion blog up,, where I'm going to whine (and dear writer buddy, you can too). Here I'm going to try to stay goal-oriented and positive.
I'm also thinking of putting up, where we track our accomplishments. The nitty gritty. The "wrote my three pages today and decided to quit my day job" stuff. I have some sorting out to do. Suggestions are welcome.
Post your goals in the comments section. If I figure out how to do it (I think I already know), I'll put your name, your pen name or your blog link in a side-bar list with your goal posted. That way it will be there for the whole world to see. How's that for pressure?
We may never be rich or famous, (or we may be), but we'll certainly be novelists. All we have to do is write that novel. One page at a time.
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